Hello darlings! I am back with a very loved and SIMPLE recipe that is lovely to serve with fish, meat or any vegetarian option!
For this recipe I have chosen to mix Cassava root & Potatoes but if you do not want or can't find any of these by any means - feel free to substitute the cassava for the same amount of potatoes or other way around! This one is perfect to make the day before and voilá no stress on serving day!
80-90 min
250g Potatoes (firm, not floury)
250g Cassava
2pc fresh thyme leaves, finely chopped
Olive oil TT
Salt TT
Chives to garnish
1. Prepare a a square or rectangular minimum 5cm deep roasting dish (see pic)
Brush with olive oil and add cut to fit baking paper inside. Brush with some more oil.
2. Peel potatoes and cassava and wash. Keep in a bowl of cold water.
3. Slice them thin on a mandolin or by hand. Not thicker than 1mm.
4. Start off with one layer of potatoes and then cassava starting from the other side of the dish. (if using both, otherwise do two layers of the same)
5. Drizzle with a spoonful of olive oil, pinch of salt and thyme. Repeat this until the pavé
is about 4-5cm high. Cover tightly with baking paper over the top and then wrap around with tinfoil and then bake. ( See top)
To check the cooking of the pavement, gently insert a small knife in the center, there should be no resistance. When done take it out from the oven and leave to cool, place another roasting dish with a weight inside on top of the pavé to compact the layers.
When cool place it in the fridge and let the starch in the potatoes and cassava set.
Take out of the tin and cut slices of about 2-3cm. Heat up a pan with butter or oil and gently fry the sides until they get colour. You can eat this hot or cold.
* OR
Add some cheese of liking and quickly bake in the oven on grill.